Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party "Patriotism"

Below are the "thoughts" of those who participated in the "Tea Parties.

I tried posting my thoughts on these "Tea Parties" on their blog and they refused to publish my thoughts:

Reply 2009 April 16

Alan L. Maki

This is the message I receive from the "Tea Baggers"---
Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

What I see in your Tea Party “movement” is:

1. racism
2. vicious anti-communism
3. warmongers
4. people sucked in by Wall Street
5. a gross distortion of “patriotism.”

I would encourage all of you to read “Citizen Tom Paine” by Howard Fast and his other historical novels on the American Revolution to get some kind of basic grounding and understanding as to what constitutes fighting for freedom, justice and liberty.

You really have a very shallow understanding of the issues.

For instance—

Why no mention of this “little” fact:

Our government is wasting trillions of dollars maintaining over 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil dotting the globe in countries where we have no business when, instead, we should be establishing 800 public health care centers spread out across the United States providing free health care for everyone.

It is easy for you all to say things like you do using assumed names and monikers… I am wondering if you would dare to say such pathetically stupid, harmful and hurtful things if you had to sign your real names and provide contact information?

I would challenge any of you to debate these issues: anytime, anyplace anywhere.

Any takers?

Bak, bak, bak, bak, baaakkk, bak, bak, bak, baaaaakkkkkkkk.

Just a bunch of chicken shit patriots.

Give me a call if you can converse intelligently.

Alan L. Maki

I have also sent this e-mail to the "Tea Baggers:"

At their e-mail addresses:

''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

An open letter to:

The organizers of the “Minnesota Tea Parties.”

What kind of ideas do you people have if you are afraid to debate and fear the ideas of others?

You are no better than, certainly no alternative to, Barack Obama and the pathetic Democrats and the even more corrupt and disgraced Republicans.

Come on, put your ideas up against a real socialist.

I challenge you to hold debates in everyone of the Minnesota communities where you had your big-business/Wall Street financed “Tea Parties.”

Just give me the dates and times and I will be there to debate any of you on the issues you claim to be so concerned about.

It is easy for you to rant and rave against the perverted caricature of socialism you have created without having to sit side by side with a socialist and debate the issues.

Here I am… let’s have at it… or are you afraid to put your ideas out where they can be challenged in the “public square.”

Alan L. Maki

Director of Organizing,

Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council

Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

What I see in your Tea Party “movement” is:

1. racism
2. vicious anti-communism
3. warmongers
4. people sucked in by Wall Street
5. a gross distortion of “patriotism.”

I would encourage all of you to read “Citizen Tom Paine” by Howard Fast and his other historical novels on the American Revolution to get some kind of basic grounding and understanding as to what constitutes fighting for freedom, justice and liberty.

You really have a very shallow understanding of the issues.

For instance—

Why no mention of this “little” fact:

Our government is wasting trillions of dollars maintaining over 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil dotting the globe in countries where we have no business when, instead, we should be establishing 800 public health care centers spread out across the United States providing free health care for everyone.

It is easy for you all to say things like you do using assumed names and monikers… I am wondering if you would dare to say such pathetically stupid, harmful and hurtful things if you had to sign your real names and provide contact information?

I would challenge any of you to debate these issues: anytime, anyplace anywhere.

Any takers?

Bak, bak, bak, bak, baaakkk, bak, bak, bak, baaaaakkkkkkkk.

Just a bunch of chicken shit patriots.

Give me a call if you can converse intelligently.

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

58891 County Road 13

Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432

Cell phone: 651-587-5541


Check out my blog:

Thoughts From Podunk

These are the comments from the "Tea Baggers" taken from their own blog:

"Estimated "Tea Party" Turnouts from around Minnesoata:

Duluth: ~ 700

Fairmont: ~ 250

Mankato: ~ 200

Mille Lacs County: ~ 400-500

Saint Cloud: ~ 600

Steele County (in Owatonna): ~ 200

Twin Cities (Saint Paul): ~ 7,500

Thank you and see you on May 2nd at the Tax Cut Rally!

11 am - 4 pm

173 Responses leave one

2009 March 19 Jordan
I am sooo there!
Thanks a million for taking the lead to get this organized.

Reply 2009 April 3 TitanTrader permalink
Any idea’s where a person can park? Don’t park at Sears across the street they will tow. Two years ago I took a global warming freak to the tow lot being a nice Conservative and all.

Reply 2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
I believe you can park at the Sears parking lot but you need to pay $5 for a permit. Where exactly you get this permit, I do not know. I am looking for a ride to the event. I hate driving in St. Paul. If you know or hear of anyone going from the Norther Suburbs to carpool with let me know.

2009 April 10 Patti H. permalink
CAN’T believe the GWF (global warming freak) would even have been driving a car,,,much less ask you for a ride. I missed the miracle.

2009 April 10 Patti H. permalink
Did you hear that the ACORN is sending people to pose as tea party participants and they then plan on creating distractions to make it seem as the people going to these Tea parties are total wackos??? Rush talked about it on his show the other day.

Reply 2009 March 20 Carol permalink
I’ll be there! We need to stop this nonsense!

Reply 2009 March 20 Mirimichi permalink
I’ll be there! I’m going to try to get my daughters and their husbands to be there, too. I hope this turnout is HUGE. See all of you on Tea Party Day.

Reply 2009 March 20 Susie permalink
I want to be there! I may be only one person, but lots of “one persons” make a force to be reckoned with! See you on 4/15/09… don’t forget to mail a teabag to P-BO, Amy Klobuchar and your congressman/woman!

Reply 2009 March 20 toninobologny permalink
You won’t be alone, trust me!

We will have at least 1,000 but I know it will be a great turnout…

Reply 2009 March 30 Denise permalink
There will be lots of us who are just one, but together we make a revolution!! I’m coming to MN from Alabama for Easter and staying until after the Tea Party!! I do live up in MN from June till Dec 1st every year so hopefully we will all meet up for a lot of tea parties over the summer and fall!! yeHa! see ya there Susie! )

Reply 2009 March 20 Evelyn permalink
We need to unite, to save our Democracy — bring on the tea.

Reply 2009 April 14 Caleb permalink
It is a Republic, NOT a democracy. This is important to remember. A democracy is run by mob rule which can not be allowed. Look at the AIG mob. The workers that received the bonuses did nothing wrong. They just signed an employment and compensation contract, just as any other working person has done.

Reply 2009 March 20 cinnfullyconservative permalink
Hello everyone! I will be there as well. I can’t wait!

Reply 2009 March 21 Cindy Johnson permalink
Let the silent Majority be heard from! I am so glad of an opportunity to join with others in an undeniably visible forum that hopefully will make some waves to stop the insanity!

Reply 2009 March 22 Richard Leonard permalink
I am down here in Arizona, but wish you all well in this VERY patriotic expression of the public outcry over the moronic actions of our “so-called leaders”……Stand Tall!!

Reply 2009 March 23 Jim permalink
woot party!!! take that washington!!! tell all your friends!!!

Reply 2009 March 23 cheryl kerr permalink
I’m so glad your having this event. I’m going to pass the info on to everyone I know.

Reply 2009 March 24 Donna permalink
Has there been any thought about a bus leaving the south metro area like from Mall of America? It would be a lot easier to climb aboard a bus like we can do for the State Fair which goes directly to the event.

Reply 2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
That’s a great IDEA. One from the North Suburbs and South Suburbs. Anyone have any other ideas that can get this going

Reply 2009 April 6 Stacey permalink
I looked into getting a bus and the cost is $305. I wanted to do one in the Elk River area. Of course the cost is the issue. We could charge people but it is risky in knowing whether people would come or not.

2009 March 24 Dave permalink
We will be there with grandkids in tow. Found this quote in a letter to the ed in a local newspaper. This is exactly what the current lawmakers have forgotten to adhere to.

Quote by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931-2005

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is

going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it

Reply 2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
I love that. We should put this on as many posters as possible or as a backdrop so everyone can see it at the teaparty. I’d be willing to help make that happen.

Reply 2009 April 10 Patti H. permalink
Those Adrian Rodgers quotes ARE great for posters. Also, is
Don’t spread my wealth, spread my work ethic.

2009 April 15 Nancy permalink
The quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers should not only be put on all posters at the rallys, but how about on billboards across our nation. I’m tired of paying for someone to reap the benifits of my hard earned money when they are very capable of going out and working themselves. To me welfare really needs to be revamped as well as foodstamps. Give coupons again. Did you know that our food stamp system now uses cards that can be used like credit cards and can be used for anything and I mean anything other than food like alchol, cigarettes and even gambling.

Reply 2009 March 25 Brenda permalink
It is about time we have a community has a tea party to show there discuss and disbelief in the government

Reply 2009 March 25 Dean permalink
The two votes in this household support a grass roots effort to limit the stupid leadership and their new laws recently enacted. This must be turned around or our great country is one for the history books. Our chances to reverse and get back on tract are great, lets vote the libs out of office. We also like the idea of taking a bus over to the captial from MOA on April 15th. Will someone step forward and get that rolling?

Reply 2009 March 25 Mark Mohawk permalink
I did notice the in-depth interviews of the acorn chauffeured idiots and how the lap dog media hung on their every word on the AIG home tour. This is some of the kind of work Acorn does and why the Messiah deemed Acorn worth all that money ear marked from the stimulus package. Another of their liberal diversionary tactics. The avoidance of the lap dog’s coverage of the TEA PARTY movement is just another example of the lack of journalistic integrity we Americans suffer. Which leads back to the universities indoctrination of the young idealistic youth who come to university to make a difference in the world and instead of learning journalistic integrity and the vital need of honest coverage of issues to protect and insure democracy, they are taught of America’s leading roll in all of the worlds troubles. Taught to fight the liberal fight and that the end justifies the means, so to hell with journalistic integrity. The liberals have truly lost their way with their mantra of the end justifies the means in so far as integrity goes. This is a cultural war and we as conservatives have been out maneuvered on all fronts. In the universities, the courts, the media, liberal have control of these three key positions with a great majority. Long ago the liberal movement put into focus how to gain full and long term control of our country by taking over key positions in our society. Professors, Judges, and members of the press have the power to create and mold the members of our society. This is how a few wing nuts though not wired right, over time have gained control of the rest of us and of all common sense. We as conservatives desperately need to come up with a battle plan for the fight to take back our schools, courts, government seats and regain common sense rule. One thing is for sure we need to pay attention to what we are up against. Send our children off to school with their eyes wide open and enable them to fend off the indoctrination. Prevent them from joining the wing nut army in their work, and in their votes. We desperatly need to gain back some journalistic integrity we must demand it! Same for the so called teachers, our children should be taught to report political indoctrination in their class and we should as tax paying parents demand our schools to take action against this. We need to pay attention to the judges who make law from the bench and expose them for what they are, and demand their removal from the bench they are disgracing. And we dam sure need to hold our politicians feet to the coals and demand better. Those who are not wing nuts, are selling their votes and common sense to stay in power at the expense of the country. They need to be exposed for what they are and for the harm they have caused. We should be out raged by all of this! Where is the out rage? Where are the stand up citizens of this country who came from the broad shoulders and strait back bones of our ancestors? I hate to admit it, but by not taking an active roll in fighting hard to stop the wing nuts I am to blame as well. I am done with being complacent, I intend to join the movement to bring back common sense. Just sitting around and wining is surely not good enough, we have lost to the wing nuts. Time we wake up, stand up, and demand an end to this insanity while we still have a country we recognize. Hope to see you at the Tea Party! Mark

Reply 2009 March 30 Michelle permalink
Mark, you make a good point that students should be taught to report any form of indoctrination going on in the classroom, but first students and their parents need to understand what that means.
As a middle school teacher, I completely agree with your assertions about what we teach in our schools. It is completely ridiculous that we have students graduating from high school who have no real concept of what the Constitution says. My daughter is told she cannot post signs promoting a church function for Christmas, but pro-abortion students post signs promoting “freedom of choice”. Students are taught that any form of religion in school is unconstitutional, but promoting abortion is free speech. In my own school I see students being taught facts from long ago with no connection to today. There is no call for students to think about that is happening in today’s society. Students are not asked to think about their role in society, they are not taught to consider what the government’s actions mean for us as citizens, let alone for them as individuals. I teach science, but often find myself pointing out the role of government and the role of its citizens as defined by the constitution.
As a nation we need to stand for what we believe in, we MUST protect our Constitution, and we must educate students of their rights and responsibilities. There are great teachers out there who would love to be able to do just that, but understand that we fight against a very ingrained belief that we must accept a liberal point of view while in the classroom.
On April 15th the PEOPLE get a chance to speak out and this teacher WILL be there! God bless America!

Reply 2009 April 4 Marie permalink
It’s time for conservatives to form our own schools. The public school system is turning out liberals. Also, we should only support conservative colleges (if any still exist).

2009 April 7 jim a permalink
Bethany Lutheran in Mankato is conservative, they supported McCain. I’m sure there must be more, just look hard. April 15th, we will be heard!

2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
Great dialogue!!I am madder than hell as well. I have 3 adult children who live in a bubble and cannot see what is going on and take the attitude of “what happens, happens.” When I mention the things that are going on they just “Enough” Well from those 3 children,I am been blessed with 3 amazing Grandaughters who I fear for their futures. Anyone looking at these blogs needs to go to the website and read and watch clips 1 and 2 of The Obama Deception. Most call this a conspiracy theoy but is it? It’s about the Bilderberg Group. If you haven’t heard about it you need to!!!!!!The History Channel just aired on this last night along with the Tri-Lateral Commission and Skull and Bones( Both Bushs are a member of the latter) Most people who think our country is going down the tubes have it wrong. It is going to HELL in a hand basket and being sold out by the Greedy people who want a One World Order. This is no joke. These people forget our First Right came from God!!! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!!!!

Reply 2009 April 11 Harry permalink
Judy - “” doesn’t work. Can you give me the correct URL? Thanks. Harry

2009 April 13 Jim permalink
No wonder the federal, state and local governments have such difficulty in forming consensus on legislation. Attitudes such as yours only serves to continue to whittle away the failing credibility of “conservative” voices.

I laugh at arguments saying our students are bathed in “liberal” “indoctrination.” You must not have faith in a students mind or of their parents responsibility to inform their kids of alternative values. The kind which you must undoubtably are an authority. As for college students, if they are such prey to “liberal” thinking, they must be equally weak minded enough to swallow any other views, i.e. “conservative” thinking. Your faith in the apptitude of the American student population is unfortunate.

You should be prepared to back up any thing you assert with some backgound, maybe even a fact. No cheating however; Rush is NOT a primary source. He only reacts to situations.
He has never produced enterprising journalism.

Speaking of the “liberal” bias in the media. Most news organizations are owned by corporate business - huge capitalist, the kind that screwed even you and your 401K.

Regarding the housing crash, don’t attempt an argument about Fannie and Freddie. Bush got them to agree to and attempt to fulfill his ownership society. Search Bush June 2005 Housing.

And your upcoming Tea-bagging party - Read you history about the Boston deal. You’ll find that the argument at the center was the lopsided competition enabled by The British government of, yes, the tea industry, by providing a subsidy to its tea producers, enabling them to sell tea at an artificially low price. The response to thow the goodies of a commercial vessal was a revolt against the sabotage of our markets. Think about that when you complain about our trade deficit. It was a means of “protecting” our markets against the manipulation of the American economy from outside manipulation. So when a fortune five hundred sends your job overseas, It’s because, ironically, your “conservative” administrations let your jobs go and still gave that 500 tax advantages.

Finally, You spelled damn wrong.


Reply 2009 April 14 Kristi permalink
Well said; thank you.

One Solution: Get involved where you can and vote the nuts out of Washington.

Reply 2009 March 25 Brad permalink
I will be there, along with as many others that I can
round up. I have witnessed first hand the families that
have grown up on welfare. I have made attempts to help
them find jobs and cars to get off the system and they
find every excuse in the book to just continue to stay
on the system. The people who go to work to support these programs are are fading away simply because we
have created a society of freeloaders! It is unsustainable. SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply 2009 March 25 Scott & Darla Linder permalink
We are out of town,but please know that we are there n spirit. We have friends coming from other counties to the tea party. If there is a tea party in our part of Florida I will so being going. Have a great time. I am telling everyone I know and I have quite a gew showing up. WE NEED OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply 2009 April 14 Kristi permalink
Hey, here’s an idea: why don’t the (we) working people take a day off work; shut down the country and relax … bet Uncle Sam would stop to take a look and listen then; can’t have thos dollars going away.

Reply 2009 March 25 Tawni permalink
I too will be there.

Reply 2009 March 25 Enough is Enough permalink
I am e-mailing this link to everyone I know. I will be there with several friends and family members

Reply 2009 March 26 Denise permalink
Who is having a tea party on the Iron Range? I will go to one there…

Reply 2009 March 26 Denise Foley permalink
Looking forward to joining the masses!

Reply 2009 March 27 Maurice permalink
I’ll be there. Pass it on and get your conservative friends to go! Speak now or forever hold your peace! We could be living under the shadow of this craziness for a long time if we don’t!

Reply 2009 March 27 Ed permalink
I will be in Florida in body but in St. Paul in spirit. Maybe there will be another one in May
May the people there number 10 to the 5th power.

Reply 2009 March 27 Ora permalink
I’m the CD 7 for MN and would love to talk to others in this north country about getting our own Northern Iced Tea party going. Come on over to the MN Resistance and lets get in touch and get a move on!!!!

Reply 2009 March 31 Barbara permalink
I am organizing a party on the steps of the Ralph Englestad arena Saturday April 25th, 3-5 pm.

Coincides with the conclusion of the 7th CD convention.

Please email me!


Reply 2009 March 27 tenderwarrior permalink
expect thousands….!!!

Reply 2009 March 27 Paul permalink
We had our first tea party when the English government was too much to bear. Its now time to let our elected government know we meant it. Government will not be overbearing!

Reply 2009 March 27 Terry Kruse permalink
I pledge to be there with at least three others. We may not be able to find powdered wigs but we will have tea and signs.

Reply 2009 March 27 Jonathan permalink
As former Presidents John and John Quincy Adams being my ancestors, and also having the ancestor of the previouse owner of the land the white house is currently on, I will be there with as many people as I can get to come with me on April 15th. I want my two children to live as free as I have the past 25 years. Lets never forget the reason behind the evening of December 16, 1773 and the three companies of fifty men who dumped the tea into the harbor. We will be heard!

Reply 2009 March 28 Bob permalink
I will be there! It’s comforting to see the “right” side of the spectrum finally coming out of the shadows in MN. Far too long have we been “minnesota nice” and let the loud mouth left wing have their way and say in this state. It’s great the value-minded, hard working, patriots of Minnesota are banding together.

God bless all of you and God bless America!

Reply 2009 March 28 Traci permalink
THANK YOU for all of the hard work you are putting in to make this event a success! Silent majority no more!!!

Reply 2009 March 28 beast permalink will be there

Reply 2009 March 28 Kristie permalink
I sure wish I could attend this event but I will be in St. Paul for another event. My son is being confirmed at the Cathedral that evening along with many other confirmands and their families. This will make the city very busy and crowded, just an FYI. I will look over to the capitol and my prayers will go out to all those patriots attending the teaparty. May our voices be heard. Someone let out a good WOOHOO for me, please! thanks and God Bless America!

Reply 2009 March 28 Barbie permalink
I will be present at the rally just as Peter Slater, my relative, was at the original Boston Tea Party in 1773. He was the youngest attender at age 13 and was killed during the rally.

Reply 2009 April 15 Rich permalink
Barbie, how is that possible? Nobody was killed at the Tea Party, and Peter Slater in real life went on to fight in the Revolution.

Reply 2009 March 28 Peggy permalink
I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to join forces with you all. I will be carrying a sign that says: IT’S THE CONSTITUTION, STUPID! If we were honoring it as we should, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I think all freedom loving Americans need to beat the “Constitution” drum a lot louder, as that document is our rudder. If it is not returned to center stage in the political life of the country and closely adhered to once again, it won’t matter what ship we get on, it’s bound to drift. My hope and prayer is that the tea party events will help us all focus on the urgent need to demand from every politician a respect for, loyalty to, and dogged defense of our founding documents!

Reply 2009 March 29 Allen permalink
I agree completely with Mark Mohawk’s commentary and would like to add that any institution that uses tax payer dollars should be required to teach both conservative and liberal positions rather than indoctrinate students with only perspectives from one view.

One example is Global warming, it is taught as a proven science, which it is not, it is a theory with some scientific basis. (Read State of Fear, by Michael Cricton) Many other factors in atmospheric climate change are being ignored and focus is being placed on one small factor of which 4% is attributable to human contribution thus politicians are using this to levy new taxes, which in turn will oppress economic development. Finding ways to save energy is a good thing for multiple reasons, but imposing carbon taxes is oppressive in that politicians can use this ’save the planet’ argument to levy high taxes that will slow economic growth. There is a direct correlation between energy consumption and economic growth. The US uses 25% of the world’s energy, but produces 50% of the global GDP.

The liberal indoctrination of our children doesn’t stop at Global Warming, pretty much every left slanted topic is taught in public schools today. Tax payer funded eduational institutions should not be a platform for this type of brainwashing, both sides should be represented or not taught at all. Both conservative and liberal citizens pay the taxes that fund those institutions and as such one side should not have the right to push their political view points and I would argue that the major propoganda they are aspousing is liberally biased to a large degree.

We do need to start speaking out and I think encouraging citizens to attend events like these Tea Parties is a great way to do that. I have never attended a protest in my life, but it is clear that the fundamentals our country was founded on and the Constitution are under attack by this Executive and Congressional administration and we need to start making our voices heard before we are at a point when they will take away the vary freedoms that allow us to speak out today.

The 1st and 2nd amendments are already under attack and it is early, how many freedoms might we lose if we don’t start speaking out?



Reply 2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
I couldn’t agree with you more. I don’t really agree with this global warming that they are teaching our children in schools. Certainly, we have some affect on our planet but not to the degree that we are led to believe. It just gives this the Radical OB Administration to put ina Cap and Trade tax get companies to pay more taxes and putting them eventually out of business so that the government can put in their people and destoy our country more. They will never start drilling more here because this so called government we have has so many deals going on with other countries in the Middle East they can not afford to drill. Our country will never truly be free from that kind of Global Rule that we are surely falling under. The only Global anything going on is the step toward One World Order that this G2 is trying to slip under our noses. Go to and watch The Obama Deception.Read and watch both clips one and two. This is not a crazy conspiracy theory. It is slowly developing and our rights as we know them are being chisled away one by one. OB has already stated that we need a civilian army. Does this remind you of another era? And Hussein modeled his Bathe party after Hitler. And if you see something that sends chills down your spine, send that to as many people as you know. WE MIGHT BE HEADING IN THAT DIRECTION!!!! Our rights come from God and if you don’t think that the DEVIL is alive and well on planet earth read the book titled by that line. The Left Behind series, which I have read through twice and if you can get to the end of the first book which starts out slow, you will pick up the next and the next etc. Fictional story based on biblilcal prophecy. Check all this out and you will see even more red.

Reply 2009 April 14 Juli permalink

Here is the full version

2009 March 30 Michelle permalink
We are at a critical turning point in our country. We’ve sat silently waiting to vote, believing we’d be heard. But what happened? We were shown, so clearly, how successful the “Dumbing Down of America’ campaign was. How integrity, honor, and duty are not often seen in our government. How corrupt our politicians are and how easy it is for corrupt businesses to take advantage of this situation.

It’s time to say enough!!! Tell our government to stop rewarding bad behavior…whether poorly run businesses or freeloaders taking advantage of systems that are suppose to ‘help’ people get on their feet! Tell them to stop taking advantage of hardworking individuals who bust their butts to be successful…whether that means being a responsible citizen and working hard to pay monthly bills/taxes or being a well-run businesses that creates jobs!

The time is now to get off our butts and show your support at the Capital, or wherever. We can be silent no more!!!

Reply 2009 March 30 Daveman permalink
Ill be there and i am bringing 3 others. Hopefully more but its a start.

Reply 2009 March 30 Jerry Jacobs permalink
I did not vote for change….but next time I will.

Reply 2009 March 30 Brian H permalink
I typically am a pretty easy going person without too much distress about government. However, as a small business owner, this whole socialist agenda is becoming too much to fathem. I can not even begin to start articulating my disgust with our leaders in government. Talk about focusing on self-stimulation…these folks are bankrupting our country at the behest of those that could apparently not care less about it. This country is so great because of the capitalist movement that it was founded upon, not for the fair-seeking liberalism that today seems only satisfied with undermining the greatness of our country by subsidizing laziness and entitlement.

Bring back:
-our language
-our borders
-our wonderful melting pot of hard working, assimilating individuals striving for a better future.
-our work ethic
-our family values
-consequences for actions (accountability)
-a greater good

This list could go on and on. I’ll see you all there!!!!

Reply 2009 March 30 red blood permalink
I have been waiting for this. May the powers that be pay attention and change!!

Reply 2009 March 31 Another one permalink
I am going as well. Great to see there will be THOUSANDS there! Enough! They have trounced the Constitution, have made a mockery of the Pledge of Allegiance - you know - “to the Republic for which it (the flag) stands”. Please lookup in the dictionary what a Republic is. April 15th they will hear from us that WE will turn this back into a Republic!

Reply 2009 March 31 Bryan Björnson permalink
This event needs some volunteers to help make it a successful and peaceful protest against higer taxes and bigger government. If you are interested please contact me at 952-992-0219.

Reply 2009 March 31 Tom permalink
Will be there!

check out our website!! and email us at

Reply 2009 March 31 Wayne permalink
To all who will attend –

I owe you all a great debt, and I want to thank you. I broke my neck in 1983 and was rendered quadriplegic — paralyzed from my neck down at 25. Too young and invincible to waste my money on disability insurance, I ended up in a low-income housing project in Chaska, MN. I recognized that the safety net into which I had fallen existed only because of the values shared by my fellow Minnesotans — you; I shared those same values. I could not go back to my old job (toolmaker), so I enrolled at Normandale Community College and began classes in the fall of 1984. I understood that the safety net you provided was a gift and not a “right.” I pushed myself hard, transferring to the College of St. Thomas, and then graduating and rejoining the workforce in 1990 (full disclosure: the state — you again — helped me with tuition). I returned to St. Thomas and earned a graduate degree in software engineering.

I will be at the tea party (Twin Cities) to protest the unbridled push toward socialism toward which Obama, the Democrats, and their minions are driving us. Like so many of you, I shall be part of the “Silent Majority” no more.

Reply 2009 March 31 Another one permalink
Way to go Wayne - look forward to meeting you there. As you said - the system has a safety net - but too many use the safety net as a hammock - to lay there for months on end and milk the system with no intention of paying it back, feeling sorry for themselves. We need more people like you to take a stand and rise up. You could have easily used your tradgedy as an excuse - but you didn’t. Thank you for not being a part of the Socialist movement. Everyone should have a chance to make something of themselves based on their own merits, talents, and efforts and that will be denied if we keep heading down this dangerous path we are on.

Reply 2009 April 3 Judy Ann permalink
Good for you! Your the type of person this cause needs. Sometimes we feel so hopeless with situations as they are, and to hear what people like you gives more hope to the rest of us who need a kick in the pants sometimes. I have sat back and the only word I can use is “B….” to long, and am trying to make a difference. I have started a 912 Chapter in the Anoka area and have gotten so few responses that I was getting discouraged until I found this site and the people who are responding. Hope to see you at the Tea Party!!!!!

Reply 2009 April 3 Carol permalink
Glad to hear you are organizing in Anoka. I’m in Fridley and would be happy to help!

2009 April 9 Dave permalink
Judy Ann, what exactly does your 912 Chapter do?

2009 April 13 Nicole permalink
Judy, just wondering where this will be held. I live in Blaine, and don’t really want to go to St. Paul. Please let me know. Thanks!

2009 March 31 Joe permalink
I will be there with at least two others….this is an important step in the right direction. Lets use this as a spingboard to help bring Minnesota and the rest of the country back to a smaller government with less spending that is actually for ALL the people. We have no choice but to succeed or the country we love will be lost!

Reply 2009 March 31 Mike permalink
I’m looking forward to attending the Tea Party. I’m mad as a hornet and will be proud to support the constitution in this way. Our framers would be proud.

“Keep your bloodsucking government off my economy!”

Reply 2009 March 31 Chris permalink
The insanity must stop! No more stimulus money! No obama telling GM what kind of cars to produce! Keep government out of private industry! Let’s stop government from expanding itself. How about term limits for all of our elected offices? We need to tell obama no universal health care! Hey obama can you nominate one cabinet member who does not owe back taxes? We must demand that we use our own resources to keep us independent from middle eastern and south American oil producers. Stop pushing ethanol! Our gas could be cheaper and if we wanted to we could drive our pickups and suv’s because they are safer than what obama wants us to ride around in! If global warming is killing us, why in the hell am I so cold? No more damn bail outs! Let our voices be heard on these issues and more from our state capitol to Washington. obama and his democrat buddies must here us! That includes all you turn coat rhino’s out there too! We aren’t gonna take no more!

Reply 2009 April 1 lb permalink
Every time I try to research where the “stimulus” money is going, I find that it was just a way to distribute truckloads of money to NON TAXPAYING individuals and programs. How is it that Americans seem so lethargic about the give-away of our money …. our money is OUR PROPERTY and unless we stop this trend … we will allow government to take any and all of our personal property in the USA.

Hey Washington .. .our constitution wasn’t written to say “the federal government exists to make sure nothing good ever happens to anyone and to make sure nothing bad ever happens to anyone else.” Government is NOT our parent.

How very alarming that our Government so easily strips away legal rights of “Executives” while turning cartwheels to ensure that Gitmo prisoners are granted legal rights.

Reply 2009 April 1 Margaret permalink
Yes I will be there, everyone should be there. I sm aick of what is going on.

Reply 2009 April 2 Sunaj permalink
One of the first flags used in the war of independence was the “Gadsden Flag.” It was a yellow flag with a coiled snake centered on it. It has the phrase “DON’T TREAD ON ME” emblazened across it. It’s available for purchase online (Amazon & others). Search on “Gadsden Flag” - or “Don’t Tread On Me”

In 1775 Benjamin Franklin had this to say about the coiled snake on it:

“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eyelids - She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance - She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage - As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarrelling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenceless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defence, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal; - Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her. - Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”

I’m bringing this flag with me. I hope others will also see the benefit in having this historic flag as a motto.


Reply 2009 April 10 Wayne Johnson permalink
Sunaj –
I ordered a Gadsden flag and will “fly” it at the upcoming protest rally. Thanks for reminding me of the flag’s existence and history.

Reply 2009 April 2 Jeff permalink
Can anyone help me turn this into a facebook invte of some sort?

Reply 2009 April 2 cinnfullyconservative permalink
Here is our facebook event page:

Does that help?

Reply 2009 April 2 Kate B. permalink
I was very surprised to here there’s going to be a Tea Party in Roch….but I’m sooooo very excited…..can’t wait…

Reply 2009 April 2 Another one permalink
I am hoping this rally doesn’t get hijacked by a bunch of partisan politicians. Unless they are acting based on PRINCIPLES I don’t think they should be talking. Can anyone assure those of us that are going that this is not going to happen?

Reply 2009 April 3 Kristina permalink
I am planning on going to one of these parties, i need to pick one. I live 5-6 hours away from most of them. so i would like to pick one that needs more people.

Reply 2009 April 3 Wildman permalink
Ufda Kristina….jes’ where do you live if you are 5-6 hours away? We are having one in Brainerd…we have room for you! We have reserved a park/small pavillion for the evening…next to the river and a small lake…unless they jerk the permit or try to squish it some other way like the did in Florida….the city was afraid there would be to big of a turnout, imagine that. How many parts of the constitution did they stomp on there in that big gov’t move??

Reply 2009 April 3 KMX permalink
Some Tea Party organizers are making a huge mistake by making this about President Obama. This is about all our legislators who are not listening and following the constitution.

The issue is bigger than the president. We need to rally for a Fair Tax. Stop government waste, spending and stop the bail outs. I would love to see ordinary citizens given a chance to speak for 5 minutes. Instead of only national speakers and talk show hosts. Lets have 1 hour sessions where anyone who register to speak can get up and speak for 5 mins. This will be a great opportunity for emerging leaders to be recognized. And then we can ask ourselves what we hope to accomplish after all these tea parties.

After all this, I hope there is Tax Reform. So the productive class isn’t tax to death. This is not about being mad. It is about being wise. If people are mad they may do irrational things. The last thing we want is for these Tea Parties to turn violent.

We are not anarchists, we are patriots!!

Reply 2009 April 4 Another one permalink

Reply 2009 April 10 Wayne Johnson permalink

Your comment is spot on. This protest is about the arrogant overreach by our government beyond any reasonable relationship to our Constitution. It is not just Obama, though Obama plays a major role. It’s about the Democrats who believe the moment has arrived to remake the United States into their ideal: a European-style socialist state… where they are paternalistic shepherds, and we are the flock over whom they watch. And it is about the quisling Republicans who, when they were the majority power in Congress, took little time to betray the conservative principles they were elected to protect. Both parties are to blame for the mess we’re in. Most of our elected officials have no shame, and we need to make them aware — without violence or anger that can be easily dismissed — that the silent majority is awake, and we will hold them responsible for their malfeasance in the upcoming elections of 2010 and 2012.

Reply 2009 April 3 FreedomRanger permalink
Public Service Message from PREMIER Obama……..

COMRADES!!!…is GREAT DAY in PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF AMERIKA!!!!! We will soon have the Money the People need to make…..Improvements. Thank you for your Cooperation…We will be back soon. COMMISSAR GEITHNER has opened an account for your Money. SECRETARY PELOSI will now be Registrar of Voters. We Will be in touch. As you know, we always think only of the PEOPLE!!!!!


Reply 2009 April 3 FreedomRanger permalink
EVERYONE, GO TO THE TEA PARTIES…….MAKE A SIGN…….BRING LOTS OF FRIENDS….IT WILL BE FUN….YOU’ll NEVER FORGET IT!!!!! This WILL work, and THEY know it! I hear that some of you out there are finding some resistance from local Politicians about having an Event in your town…..EXPOSE THEM ON THE INTERNET!!! Was anyone out there at the REVOLT in Fullerton, CA Mar. 7th? I was……WOW! If you live in a small Town, and can’t get to one of the Major events…HAVE YOUR OWN! Even if only half a dozen of you show up in a Park somewhere…GREAT! Don’t forget to take LOTS OF DIGITAL PHOTOS and get them out on the INTERNET right away! The LA Times IGNORED the Fullerton event (15,000 People). But the thing is, We don’t NEED the MEDIA anymore, We have the Internet and We can tell our OWN stories now! Hell, if outfits like “Acorn” and “” can do it, SO CAN WE!!!!!!!!!!!…………..


Reply 2009 April 4 Joe permalink
Guess what, folks? Not every person who’s joining this Tea Party is a conservative.

Take a deep breath. And another. Repeat after me:

“Even liberals and progressives are fed up and not gonna take it anymore!”

Ridiculing us is not the way to build this movement, but unfortunately, that’s the way politics are done in this country: divide and conquer. The elites are snickering all the way to the bank while you about “liberal media” and the alleged “liberal agenda.”

I have raised this topic with “The Silent Majority” and various other Minnesota social conservatives in the last 6 months, and not one has engaged me in dialogue. Instead, they ignore me or deride my views. Way to fixate on our differences instead of our commonalities.

Reply 2009 April 4 lb permalink
Thank you for your comment. It is very encouraging to take a deep breath and repeat after you. Let’s stop the madness together.

Reply 2009 April 4 Another one permalink
Thank you Joe! We welcome you to come and join us - well - the majority of whom I am assuming are going to be conservative. Exactly why I am hoping this doesn’t become a partisan party cause it really has nothing to do with that. It is about PRINCIPLES. All the major parties are at fault. There are good people in both parties but unfortunately, they are in the extreme minority. WE WELCOME YOU! I encourage you to read George Washington’s Farewell Address on Yale’s website:

He warns the people of the dangers of parties and partisanship - which is natural. This is an unusual time which is exactly why partisanship needs to sit in the last seat at the very back of the bus.

Reply 2009 April 4 Wildman permalink
Joe, great comment, been worried about that myself and keep coming to the conclusion that you did, we need people from both parties. I have a “few” liberal friends who have also had it with all the crap that’s gone on. I would love to blame jes’ death-o-crats…but I cannot. Most all of those “things” we have sent to Washington are out of touch. My “local” house Rep. Jim “Overspender” only spent 9 days in Minnesota last year… if I heard right…he and many others have never had to worry about making payroll, filling out layers of paperwork to hire somebody, and a similar heap of paper to fire someone….and then figure out where the money is going to come from to defend yourself in court when the fired employee drags you in there. Lets keep the fight alive!

Reply 2009 April 4 Sunaj permalink
This issue is way too big to eliminate anyone because of partisanship. This is an issue about whether America survives as was when we were born. Is it the same today as it was a year ago? Well, momentum is speeding us in the wrong direction. Every day that goes by we get further and further away from what made America great. The best we can hope for in the immediate future is to slow that momentum down.

We can’t do that if we start to bicker amongst ourselves because of labels.

We must stay focused on the important issues we hold in common. Let’s start with keeping our children out of indentured servitude to the state.


Reply 2009 April 4 Wildman permalink
Sunaj…I will give ya’ a here-here! Could not agree more… I know many of us out here in “fly over country” from both sides of the isle and all walks of life have had it with the lies and distortions coming out of the snake pit known as D.C. The sun, the moon and the stars all lined up for the messiah to gather his thieves and take us down the road to socialist hell. Before the election, when the “chosen one” was in Berlin…why I don’t know…but anyway…he had 200K plus show up to see him…I told all my “like minded” friends…the last guy that was able to get a turnout with those same numbers in that same place…went on to conquer Europe… in a fashion only a brazen dictator could. It now scares me how B.O. acts like he cannot be stopped… all the executive orders only a tyrant could love. Do you fly the “don’t tread on me” flag? I do!

Reply 2009 April 4 Sunaj permalink
Yes, It’s the “Gadsden Flag” I fly. See my April 2nd post.

2009 April 4 pjean permalink
I plan on attending the Tax Day Tea Party at the Capitol. Does anyone have any thoughts about what to expect with parking and also what time should we start to arrive? Any permit issues about folks arriving on the state grounds too early?

Reply 2009 April 9 Barbara permalink
If there were permit issues with folks arriving early, it would probably fall under the category of loitering, which would be a city ordinance. However, don’t ‘We the People’ own state land? And wouldn’t your permit be the right to peaceful assembly?

Reply 2009 April 4 Another one permalink
Please encourage others to get involved. This is not a “somewhere out there” problem. It is not even just a D.C. problem. It is happening in our own backyards. Right under our noses. I was told by some government officials 5 months ago that I have “NO RIGHTS”. And - they meant it - as they laughed and rubbed it in my face. Only after I hired a lawyer was I allowed to exercise my Constitutional rights of due process. What happens to those that can’t afford lawyers? You guessed it - they have “no rights”. Don’t believe it and don’t allow them to get away with it.

Reply 2009 April 5 Wildman permalink
Hey there “another one”…tell me your story…I have real winner also…

Reply 2009 April 6 Another one permalink
It is not appropriate to discuss specifics on this forum - somewhere else though. I want to raise awareness that this can affect anyone that gets caught in the mechanism. After this extremely abusive experience, after playing by all the rules for years, this movement comes at a perfect time. The coming tidal wave of public corruption that is about to happen with all the new money will make my experience all the more common. Take a stand! It is now or never!!

2009 April 5 Ruth permalink
Get your Porky Little Amendments OFF ME

Reply 2009 April 5 Bryan Björnson permalink
Can anyone name an activity that they do that is not taxed in some way?

Reply 2009 April 5 Wildman permalink
Oh boy…I was thinking of something…but that is probably taxed in a round a bout way also… keep the fire burning!

Reply 2009 April 5 Kathy permalink
This is a movement that crosses ALL part lines…..This is about taxes that we ALL are going to pay. That is what the Tea Party is about. If we are distracted by Dems and Reps, right or left, our voices won’t be heard. We are on a Mission to end the spending in Washington!

Reply 2009 April 6 Another one permalink
The endless credit card is going to come to an end.

Reply 2009 April 6 recovering lib permalink
I am a recovering liberal. I admit, my head was in the sand. The recent election and more recent government spending alog with the lack of unbiased media coverage has shaken me out of my liberal hypnotic trance. Looking forward to taking action!! How about this for a slogan to Washington: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE TEA!!!

Reply 2009 April 6 cinnfullyconservative permalink
I love that slogan!!!

Reply 2009 April 7 Danielle permalink
Everyone mail Amy Klobucher (D-MN) some tea bags!! Her address is: 302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C., 20510

Reply 2009 April 10 Wildman permalink
Haven’t heard “our Amy” check in on the pirate mess… do ya’ spose’ she will help come up with ransom money…from the tarp fund?? I hate to get on my soap box but, why in the @#$%*% is that damn raft still drifting around out there!? Has the current administration handcuffed the navy already? Those poor fellas’ on that container ship spent many hours fending off those Somali pukes! Are we to believe that our navy could not get a small fighter group over the top of that incident in the matter of a few hours and taken care of things?? With all the piracy taking place there, it should have 24 hr air cap anyway! Geez, if I make it to the 15th without completely blowing a cog it will be a miracle! I heard Obama is in Vermont…talking about gay marriage…coulda’ been a rumor…

Reply 2009 April 7 jim a permalink
The Majority is NO LONGER SILENT! We need to rise up and say ENOUGH!

Reply 2009 April 9 Sunaj permalink
I hope you’re right. April 15th will tell the story.

Reply 2009 April 8 Get Your Ex Back permalink
If you ever want to see a reader’s feedback , I rate this post for 4/5. Decent info, but I just have to go to that yahoo to find the missed bits. Thank you, anyway!

Reply 2009 April 9 Sunaj permalink
Although I feel good about seeing 13 cities now having a Tea Party in MN, I’m a little concerned. It’s better to have fewer cities with strong showing than to have many with only a handful of people attending. Will these other cities have the affect of diluting the message in St. Paul? I hope not. I don’t believe it’s possible to do a successful job of putting one of these together with less than 30 days or so of preparation. And yet, some of these have been added with only about 10 days.

IMO these rallies must be used to get national attention (in a good way), rather than simply allowing us to feel good about ourselves. The only way we can send a message that’s taken the way we want, is if large numbers of middle America show up. If the message is that only a few care, it will send the opposite message and the negative momentum from government we’ve seen in the past 5 months will increase.

Despite having a rally in my own city (it only had 9 days of prep), I plan on attending the St. Paul rally to help insure that the numbers there are large enough to get the press we need.

Reply 2009 April 9 cinnfullyconservative permalink
A lot of the tea parties in the state are using their tea parties to gather people to meet together and then carpool to Saint Paul. The human spirit is an amazing and creative thing.

Reply 2009 April 9 Barbara permalink
Why would you think our outstate rallies will dilute the message in St.
Paul? It’s the same message across the Nation whether we drive 30 miles or
300 miles. United We Stand doesn’t necessarily mean shoulder to shoulder in
mass rallies. People in St. Paul think Brainerd is ‘up North’ - sorry
Sunaj, there’s another 6 hours of drive time North before you arrive on the
border. Frankly, we’re sick of being asked to drive to St. Paul every time
there’s a message to shout out. The road goes both ways!
Some of our Tea Parties may not have the combined planning abilities of
200,000 + warm bodies, but those who live outside of the metro area
certainly aren’t stupid. We can put together strong and coherent message
the same as anyone else, even if we have fewer than 30 days lead time. And
no, we may not get the press coverage the St. Paul rally will get, but sorry
to say Sunaj, we in Northern MN want to be heard too and not just lost in
the crowd. Besides, the press doesn’t care anyway so who is wanting to
feel good about himself?

Reply 2009 April 9 Sunaj permalink
Sorry if I didn’t make myself clear enough. I’d like to have 13 rallies here in MN that were all hugely successful. My concern comes from the late entries. Some with only a couple of days to prepare the event. Specifically, those that are relatively near St. Paul. It shouldn’t be simply about saying were having a rally. We really need to have lots of people show up. I’m afraid that some of these late comers are going to be rallies in name only. The people that may show up at these could actually have added to numbers in a St. Paul rather than make a weak showing that may actually get press simply because it is so weak. I hope that I’ve done a better job of it this time.

2009 April 9 Rachel permalink
Myself, my husband, my brother, my dad and mom, and were still asking around will all be there!

Reply 2009 April 9 Rich (18 y/o) permalink
Hello everyone! I have been putting posters up my neighborhood and going door to door with fliers. We NEED a lot of people to be here! So far I have over 50 people that I know are going and the local news is predicting thousands will show up! PLEASE CAMPAIGN FOR THIS!

Reply 2009 April 9 cinnfullyconservative permalink
Wow! Thank you for all your hard work in supporting this!

Reply 2009 April 10 Wayne permalink
Yes… thank you so much for your hard work supporting this effort. My wife, two of my sisters and their husbands, are all attending. You’re wise for someone so young. My hat’s off to you.

Reply 2009 April 10 Dianna permalink
Thanks to everyone that had a hand in setting up this event in St. Paul. I’ll be there! Enough is enough. Earlier posts mentioned possibly meeting at MOA to catch a bus. If this is an option, please post.
THanks again - See you at the event on Wednesday!

Reply 2009 April 10 Wildman permalink
Lets here it for our current administration in their quick handling of the pirate mess, what kind of concessions will B.O. make to give away the farm this time?

Reply 2009 April 10 Shirley Schwanz permalink
I will be there with as many people as I can get. I am sick and tired of hearing the President talk about us as an unChristian country and spending money like there is no tomorrow. Somehow we need to wake the Democrats up so they do not go along with what the President wants.

Reply 2009 April 10 Max permalink
I’ll be there.

Reply 2009 April 11 Silent One permalink
Let our voices be heard!
Has anyone investigated what it would take to recall Our Senator? Let’s not wait for the next election cycle. Our state constitution has a provision for recalls due to malfeasance or non-feasance. Clearly there has been a dereliction of her senatorial duties when she did not even read the so called stimulus bill and we are all paying the price (ie, the AIG fiasco, etc.) and this trillion dollar budget is another example. Senator Klobuchar is not representing the interests of us, her constituents, when she votes for these things.
I am willing to contribute to a recall fund to hire the necessary attorneys if the Tea Party can organize one.
Let’s not stop with April 15th but take further action!

Reply 2009 April 12 Wayne permalink
I’d like to reiterate some thoughts, already posted, but which bear repeating as we near Wednesday’s rally. First, let’s refrain from making this a partisan rally. This rally is for all those who recognize socialism’s menacing shadow falling over us and are willing to fight for our liberty; it is for those who understand that the source of this socialistic threat is coming from our current president and Congress. This rally is for those who see this Congress is composed of socialistic Democrats and miscreant Republicans who have repeatedly betrayed the conservative principles they profess to believe.

Second, expect this rally to be infiltrated by people who oppose our views. They will likely want to make trouble, to make an ugly scene, drawing attention to themselves to attract media attention, and giving the media both reason and photographic evidence to discredit the rally by making a grotesque caricature of it. Please remember, our opponents would like nothing better than for us to conduct ourselves or to be portrayed as an angry mob of malcontents. Such a mob can be easily dismissed by our larger society. We are middle America, so really expressing our strong objection to the current executive branch and Congress (both parties).

Finally, We’re all justifiably angry as hell, but let’s articulate our discontent with a firm professionalism, so our message gets out clearly through the prism of whatever media shows up — a message that we see what is happening and refused to succumb. We are angry because we see through Obama’s carefully-constructed rhetoric and his deceptive reasoning to the intolerable specter of his vision for America: an America where “the rich” shall be made to pay for their perceived sins, an American military that Obama and a supine Congress is already weakening to appease our enemies, and an American economy, currently weakened by recession, that Obama and his shameless Congress are leveraging to enervate the American spirit of self-reliance, self responsibility, and liberty. An economy weakened in substantial part because of governmental mandates to banks to provide mortgages to people who were not creditworthy.

Is a man fit to be president of the United States when he embraces Israel’s enemies, is willing to allow a fervently apocalyptic Iran to develop nuclear weapons, bows to a Saudi King and tyrant, abandons newly minted Eastern European allies to the Russian wolf, abandons Japan in the face of North Korean aggression, an aggression backed by China, and disparages America on foreign soil, apologizing to the world for every perceived wrong done by a misguided America? I think not. He is our president for now, and will have to live with that, but we can send a message to him and Congress — we see who you are, we see what you’re doing, and we will hold you accountable in 2010 & 2012.

Reply 2009 April 12 chris eyrich permalink
Our station will be out there doing some interviews for the radio station.
We broadcast in the Maple Grove , MN area looking to spread our campaign for Liberty If you want to help please contact Cj for details @
Thanks and we will see you out there.

Reply 2009 April 12 Ryan permalink
I vote for personal responsibility!

Reply 2009 April 12 IronDioPriest permalink
I think we need to make sure about the parking situation.

Reply 2009 April 13 Bryan Björnson permalink
This is a suggestion to help keep the rally positive. Whenever any of our elected or appointed government officals are mentioned from our president on down that are referred to be their proper titles. For example, President Obama, not Barak or BHO. Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi, not Harry & Nancy. Sec. Geithner not Tax Cheat Geithner.

Reply 2009 April 13 Wildman permalink
Sorry dude…being nice has gotten us run over as of lately…and in revolution, nice will get you squashed. The anointed ones are very deceptive, crooked people only out to fatten their bank accounts by taking it from ours! This has been at least a 40 year stretch of incrementally taking from us hard working responsible individuals funds and freedoms…all the time they told us how nice it would be…! Its time some things created by LBJ and Jimmy Carter are left on the vine to die. Oh and by the way…its “the mother of the Italian mob” and “Whorehouse Harry”…and “Tiny Tim the tax teenager”… Don’t let my words of discourage your ambitious undertaking.
Lift high the torch!

Reply 2009 April 13 Bryan Björnson permalink
Wildman, if we act like children calling those we oppose names we will treated as children. Adults show respect for people, even when they don’t deserve it. How you speak effects the opinion others have of you. Anger at and displeasure with our government can be shown without insulting those in our government. A civilised display of anger has more power to convince people than does an childish rant of name calling. BTW, my name is Bryan not “dude”.

2009 April 13 HTR permalink
Where were you guys the past 8 years as the economy went in the gutter? Oh wait, that Party is allowed to piss away money and create large deficits and label it fiscal conservatism.

Reply 2009 April 13 joe permalink
This is about being fiscally responsible no matter what party or administration. There were conservatives complaining about W. Things have gotten worse and we are being faced with spending and irresponsibility that dwarfs anything we have seen before.

Reply 2009 April 13 Barbara permalink
Wildman, I commend you for standing up for what you believe. However, Bryan has given you something thing to think about. Civil discourse is paramount at these rallies. Direct your anger toward policies, not individuals, then you will be much more effective. That said, barring outright racial discrimination and profanity, anyone will be allowed to express anything on their personal handmade signage at our rally. That is their right of free speech and I look forward to seeing their creativity

Reply 2009 April 13 Liberty permalink
Before anyone goes to the Tea Party you should all view the new documentary, if you haven’t already, “The Obama Deception”. This almost two hour video explains how our new president is a puppet and the people really behind our government and that this has been going on for years. This is not a partisan video. It uncovers how both the left and right paradigm have been controlled for years and who is doing it. If you stop and think about it all this has had to have been going on for years. Slowly removing our rights, taking our jobs away, enormous amount of corruption in our different government agencies, housing bubble, changing our school systems, news media lying to us and moving us toward a one world government. All of this was by design. This doesn’t happen overnight this has been going on for years. Please don’t say conspiracy theory because it is not. This is all backed up by actual true documentation. There is a conspiracy and it is against all of us. It is run by the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations and United Nations. These are banker and globalists. Books have been written about these organizations. They have websites. Their members have written books telling what their plans are for this world years ago. This is a conspiracy against us and it is evil. You need to know who your true enemies are so you can truly be effective. Since this video was made so much has been going on that another video “The Obama Deception 2″ will be released on July 4, 2009. Look for it. Also a documentary is in the works regarding Chemtrails. The Obama Deception video can be viewed in its entirety at the following websites:

Alex Jones at InfoWars - lower right-hand side of main web page under video


Google “The Obama Deception”. It’s entirety is on YouTube.


Reply 2009 April 14 Bryan Björnson permalink
Here is an idea I think is a good follow up to the Tea Parties on April 15th. Sunday April 19th is the 234th anniversary of the battle at Lexington and Concord, MA. Those are battles that started our Revolution. The “shot heard ’round the world” was fired by the Minutemen on that day. To commemorate this revolutionary event I suggest everyone fly the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” flag in honor of the start of our American Revolution.

Reply 2009 April 14 Sunaj permalink
Good idea. But you realize that anyone flying this historic flag is now listed as a possible security risk by the MO Homeland security? They say we’re rebels and that has them focused on us. Times are getting more precarious by the day. I don’t think it was coincidence that the “vast right wing conspiracy” raises it’s public head with Homeland security just a day or two before the tea party.

I went out and bought mine when I first heard of the MO analysis of the flag. We’re making an impact - WITH A FLAG! - They’re scared of what middle America coming together could mean to the established order - even peacefully - scratch that, especially because it’s peaceful.

Time to make our impact. Time to let them know that we aren’t going to stand by and salute them as they sell our children and grandchildren into servitude to the state with their unlimited and totally irresponsible spending. Time to let them know that our founders set up a Constitution to help us protect ourselves when our leaders forget what it is that makes America great.


I salute Texas for their brave stand today!

Reply 2009 April 14 Sunaj permalink

2009 April 14 Wildman permalink
I would like to cast a 2nd on the “Texas” motion…! We will be flying the Gadsden Wednesday night in Brainerd, bought it after 9/11, feel it means more now than it did then.

2009 April 14 Marie permalink
I don’t understand this event. It’s to protest taxes, right? But Obama just cut taxes for 95% of Americans (all but the wealthy, who are getting a measley 3% boost).

So is this to say that it wasn’t enough of a cut?

I don’t get it. I got a huge tax rebate (stimulus check) this past year . . . my taxes haven’t been this low in a long, long time.

So what’s everybody so angry about?

Reply 2009 April 14 cinnfullyconservative permalink

Reply 2009 April 14 Jeff Schmidt - US Army Retired permalink
I trained at The United States Military Academy at West Point, Airborne and Ranger Schools. I picked up a weapon and stood my post for 10 years ’till a parachute accident returned me as a civilian.

I was taught that as a soldier my purpose (among others) was to allow all sides to have a fair debate of ideology and serve my elected officials. But as I said, I’m a civilian now. So it’s time for me to make my voice heard. I will be there on the 15th because …

1. I’m tired of the spending
2. I’m tired of the pork - from both parties.
3. I’m tired of the cuts in the military.
4. I’m tired of allowing the North Koreans to test their missles while we dismantle our missle defense.
5. Im tired of Iran’s president running us to ground.
6. I’m tired of our president bowing to the Saudi King.
7. I’m tired of Pres’l speechs like today claiming that we should pay the banks more money to free up credit but should not borrow any - we should save. Huh?
8. I’m tired of having my money being confiscated to give failed car companies “bridge loans” that the government has no intention of returning to me with interest; that they’re just going to spend anything they get back again. But than announcing that it’s going to force one of the recipients into bankruptcy anyway ’cause the government made a mistake. Ooops!
9. I’m tired of a president that scolds three auto executives for flying out to Washington on their corporate jets but sees no trouble in flying Marine 1, Airforce 1 and 2 (’cause Joe Biden wanted his own jet) plus two cargo C-17 jets of security and limos to Colorado for a Photo Op at a solar panel plant so he could sign his stimulus bill - an act he could have done in the oval office for free.
10. Finally - I’m tired of government accepting an automatic 8% pay raise every year while they rail against the likes of AIG and the rest. If they’re that concered, everyone of them including staffers and cabinet officials should work for $1 annually
11. Actually - I’m just tired.


Reply 2009 April 14 Michael permalink
On the eve of these historic rallies, Barack Obama’s DHS has
issued a “rightwing” threat assessment to warn of the “current
economic and political climate fueling resurgence in
radicalization and recruitment” for “rightwing extremism.”

Who are these extremists? According to the report, adherents
are primarily “hate-oriented” or “antigovernment” but also
include “individuals that are dedicated to a single issue,
such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

I suppose that covers anyone who opposes Obama’s mad-dash to
socialism! This is a blatant effort by the Obama team to
radicalize their opponents. And they will get all the help
they need from the liberal media.

You can download Obamas DHS “assesment” at

Reply 2009 April 14 Dave permalink
I am all for protesting high taxes and bailouts, but I hope these rallies don’t turn into an Obama/Dem. bashing free-for-all. These rallys should be for All citizens who fed up with the way things are !! Remember, we all know who started these record deficits, George W. Bush, and we know what party he was from.

Reply 2009 April 15 Jeff Schmidt - US Army Retired permalink

You are correct. These deficits did start with President Bush and no -today should not be about bashing any party. But it should be about holding the current adminstration accountable so as to fix the problem rather than pointing fingers on past failed activities we can not change.

President Obama has spent more taxpayer money in his first 100 hundred days in office than the collective governments spent in the past 200 years. He’s not misguided because he’s a democrat - like Pres Bush, he’s just misguided.

We have a congress that doesn’t read the bills they voted on - except for the earmarks they added as amendments.

GM was told to prepare for bankruptcy by June 1. Chrysler was told to sell itself to Fiat. Yet both bailouts (sorry “bridge loans”) were forced down our throats because both companies were too big to fail.

Banks can’t return the TARP money to get out from under the government’s scrutiny. And we can’t drill for our own oil and gas in the US - we have to buy it from despots our President will bow down to (what does he think Airforce 1 runs on?)

And as a crippled VET, I am now blamed by DHS for being recruitable by “right wing extremist groups” (apparently I’m immune from being recruited by groups like ELF or ACORN). I’m such a threat - can’t hardly walk, can barely speak or use my left hand, but unlike the narco terrorists on our southern border, the pirates off Somalia, Iran or North Korea, I’m the government’s Homeland Security nemisis.

So no, this isn’t about what polical party you belong to, it isn’t about hate. It’s about being American - and doing what’s right, not what’s easy, politcally correct or fashionable.


Reply 2009 April 14 Swampfox permalink
We’ll be there:

Reply 2009 April 14 Jon permalink

I paid for your “stimulus check” and was not given a choice in the matter. I also paid for ACORN to mitigate my vote by providing an absentee ballot to a homeless person who used a local park bench as his address.

Additionally, I’m not “rich”; I don’t even make over $150K per year. But wait…big surprise…guess what??? No stimulus check for me.

So I ask you now Marie: What are you going to do to give back to the rest of us who paid for your stimulus check?

Answer: Nothing (like all parasites).

Who is John Galt!

See you at the Rally!!

Reply 2009 April 14 Swansey permalink
Of course the dems are blaming Bush for the taxes when they are the ones who ae doing all of the taxing and ripping us off in the 30’s we did not have hardley any taxes and now look what thedems have added and keep spending and helping the crooks they work with , It is time we stop hiringmore people to goverment offices also in the the astates and counties and cities they keep adding more people that we have to support , all the ddems want to do is to control the people I am so DAMM glad some has started a tax revolt

Reply 2009 April 14 Sunaj permalink
It’s not the Dems vs the Repubs. It’s the Statists vs the individual. Important not to forget that. We’re all Americans. Some of us insist on liberty. Others would like us to do whatever it is they would like us too. It starts by taking control of our money and small actions. Utimately, they’ll move to control our children’s thoughts and daily actions, even more so, for their children.

Fight back now while we still can. Stop blaming the other party - whatever that might be. Blame the statists. They’re in both parties.

Reply 2009 April 14 Bill Kittelson permalink
Man o’ man! Count me in! Jeff Schmidt said everything I want to say, so, thank you, Jeff.
The federal government is getting WAY too powerful. How can one man with so little experience be ushered into office only to launch a full frontal assault on our liberties, our individuality, our national honor, our right and/or ability to fully defend ourselves (in our homes and abroad), bury us and future generations in mountains of debt, and not be thrown out of office when he represents only one-third to one-half of the country? What about those of us who think America is still the best country in the world and the engine of free enterprise and economies around the world? What about those of us who cherish our founding documents: The Declaration of INDEPENDENCE and our Constitution. Those of us who, if not Christian or Jew, at least respect the moral foundation that rests upon Judeo-Christian principles. Does President Obama think WE are the source of his troubles? It sure seems like it!
If the liberals succeed in squelching talk radio, they will then strip the de facto guts out of our Second Amendment rights through over-regulation or taxation of gun ownership and/or use (ammunition).

What in the hell is wrong with ‘those’ pepole (PBO/Pelosi/Frank/Napolitano/Emanuel)? Why do they want to destroy America???

Reply 2009 April 15 Vince Delmonte permalink
The style of writing is quite familiar . Did you write guest posts for other blogs?

Reply 2009 April 15 RDC permalink
My Father, my wife, and I will be there. I may be bringing my Intern from work as well…

Reply 2009 April 15 Linnea permalink
Should I bring my tea cup and saucer?

Reply 2009 April 15 Tom Paine permalink
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
– Thomas Paine, (1737-1809), The Age of Reason, pt. 1, “The Author’s Profession of Faith” (1794), quoted from The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations

Reply 2009 April 15 Jon D permalink
I cannot wait. I’m here at work (I work in a hotel at the front desk…lots of standing around during the day), looking at the website. And I’m just getting really excited! But we need to keep focus. We cannot just focus of the stoges named P-Bo(president Obama), princess pelosi, and Reid. We need to take note that many are to blame in congress and the administrations, Obama, Bush, and Clinton. We need to control our life, not control put on our life. It is time, this is the building ground breaking ceremony nationwide of a great new american freedom. No longer can we just sit by and let Code Pink and set the bar. No longer shall we be silent in the night. No longer afraid to say something to the outspoken liberals, whom wish to silence anyony who opposes them. We shall stand and reclaim this country. Lead it away from tryanny and oppresion. Away from the Solcialist curve. For today we make the claim, to renew this country in the shape our founders intended. For so many had fought and died on the feilds of Yorktown for. To have the Government away from your every living decision. To have the States be in control of their people. For choice and Liberty to live. For a man to have his pursuit of happiness. For I say God Bless the United States of America!

Reply 2009 April 15 Jessica B permalink
Finally! Something is happening to take America back! I’ll definitely be there!

Reply 2009 April 15 Linda Westlie permalink
We will be there and have emailed many, many friends and family. There is enough waste in our government to employee many folks that are now unemployed–why don’t they cut their salaries and provide jobs to others.

Reply 2009 April 15 MeG permalink
Let’s do this.

Reply 2009 April 15 Paul permalink
Instead of tea bags, I am bringing my fair tax book to send. That will send a message of “do this” rather than a message of “do something”. I want our goverment back, and taking this punishing tax code away from them forces them to talk to us otherthan talking around us. Sending the fair tax book shows more commitment to vote than a tea bag. or or for The Fairtax book.

Reply 2009 April 15 rivertownjack permalink
“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to it’s owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon and account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked: ‘ACCOUNT CLOSED.’

Words of Ayn Rand written 50 years ago in ATLAS SHRUGGED

I have been trying to warn freinds and relatives about this day all of my adult life. Almost no one would listen. Now it is probably too late. But what the hell, let’s try it again.

Reply 2009 April 15 Tony permalink
I plan to be there! This taxing has to stop!!!

Reply 2009 April 15 Tony permalink
I plan to be there. This taxing has to stop!!

Reply 2009 April 15 Jack permalink
Take 94 E to St. Paul, but don’t use any of the roads constructed with taxpayer dollars and if some of those crazy liberals hassle you, don’t call a cop. They’re taking your tax money to pay for those guys! These tea parties are so cool! Maybe we can really stop that madman Barack Obama from his fiendish plan to return the top marginal tax rate to the level it was at under Ronald Reagan! Taxes suck! Wooooo!

Reply 2009 April 15 Laurieb permalink
I came and stayed for about an hour and a half. I would have stayed for the whole thing but my head (blonde hair, fair skin, no not bald) was starting to burn pretty good already. I didn’t realize there wouldn’t be much shade. I watched as the crowd grew. I’m real proud of you guys for being there. Hope the rest of the party went off without a hitch. I will make plans to stay longer the next time now that I know where I can park without getting towed away. I think maybe next time I’ll bring friends and be more prepared not to burn.

Reply 2009 April 15 Jinni permalink
It was SO much fun - that’s for organizing such an AWESOME event.

Can’t wait till May 2nd!!!

Reply 2009 April 15 Eric Dahlen permalink
I was at the rally tonight and thought it went great. Watched all the news channels locally and there was very little coverage, as expected. People need to wakt up and make these news medias cover whats important or I think they should loose there licence to brodcast beacuse they are abusing the power they have over the people with giving either faulse info or not reporting on what really matters.

Reply 2009 April 15 polly permalink
I was at the tea party,what a great turnout.
I just watched the news and seen how our sick media
is protraying the people of this country that dare to speak out.

We can speak truth to corrupt power .how…hit them where


Reply 2009 April 15 kookamongus permalink
My family and I were there as well. We are small business owners with 2 small children. It was awesome!! My kids had so much fun. I can’t wait until the tax rally!

Reply 2009 April 16 Greg permalink
This was my first time I have attended such a rally. Usually I am too busy with my job and my family. I am really glad i was a part of this. It was so awesome to see so many people support this cause. I sincerely hope this is just the beginning.

Reply 2009 April 16 Alan L. Maki permalink
Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

What I see in your Tea Party “movement” is:

1. racism
2. vicious anti-communism
3. warmongers
4. people sucked in by Wall Street
5. a gross distortion of “patriotism.”

I would encourage all of you to read “Citizen Tom Paine” by Howard Fast and his other historical novels on the American Revolution to get some kind of basic grounding and understanding as to what constitutes fighting for freedom, justice and liberty.

You really have a very shallow understanding of the issues.

For instance—

Why no mention of this “little” fact:

Our government is wasting trillions of dollars maintaining over 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil dotting the globe in countries where we have no business when, instead, we should be establishing 800 public health care centers spread out across the United States providing free health care for everyone.

It is easy for you all to say things like you do using assumed names and monikers… I am wondering if you would dare to say such pathetically stupid, harmful and hurtful things if you had to sign your real names and provide contact information?

I would challenge any of you to debate these issues: anytime, anyplace anywhere.

Any takers?

Bak, bak, bak, bak, baaakkk, bak, bak, bak, baaaaakkkkkkkk.

Just a bunch of chicken shit patriots.

Give me a call if you can converse intelligently.

Alan L. Maki


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